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     THIRD READING (RCS# 0519)







                            THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE                       

                       2nd Session of the 55th Legislature                  





    HOUSE BILL 2751            Crimes and punishments; modifying penalty for

    Treat                      certain prohibited act; effective date.      






    THIRD READING                                                            


         YEAS:   43                                            RCS#  519    

         NAYS:    3                                            4/20/2016    

         EXC :    2                                              4:16 PM    

         N/V :    0                                                         



    YEAS:   43


    Allen             Dossett           Loveless          Shortey          

    Anderson          Fields            Marlatt           Silk             

    Barrington        Floyd             Matthews          Simpson          

    Bice              Ford              Mazzei            Smalley          

    Bingman           Fry               Newberry          Sparks            

    Boggs             Griffin           Paddack           Stanislawski     

    Brooks            Halligan          Pittman           Thompson         

    Brown             Holt              Quinn             Treat            

    Crain             Jech              Schulz            Wyrick           

    Dahm              Jolley            Sharp             Yen              

    David             Justice           Shaw             



    NAYS:    3


    Bass              Brecheen          Sykes            



    EXCUSED:    2


    Garrison          Standridge       



    N/V :    0

                                                         HOUSE BILL 2751           





